Is Vitamin D3 the Ultimate Flu Fighter?

Does it drive you crazy when people you know never get sick in the winter or even get sniffles? Do you wonder what they do to “cold-proof” themselves?

We believe the ultimate flu-fighter is vitamin D3. D3 is a super immune booster, that not only keeps your body in fighting mode against viruses, it also protects it from high blood pressure, some forms of cancer and Hodgkins Lymphoma Disease.

100 Million Americans are vitamin D deficient and to boost your levels during the winter cold and flu season, get Ultra D3 and be one of the happy, sniffle-less ones who don’t get sick this year!

Vitamin D Pregnancy Scandal

Vitamin D deficiency in pregnant woman is causing 10% or more infants born in America to incur multiple fractures from the trauma of passing through the birth canal. These infants leave the hospital with their fractures undetected. If you are the parent of one of these children — and unlucky enough to have to take the infant back to the hospital in his first few months of his life — child protection may falsely accuse you of child physical abuse.

Vitamin D-3 "Frightens" Cancer Cells to Death

Vitamin D has been shown to be helpful in a number of cancers, but for endometrial cancer, a new study suggests vitamin D-3 protects against cancer that develops due to obesity. If these results are confirmed in women, use of vitamin D may be a wonderfully simple way to reduce endometrial cancer risk.

Pregnancy, Alzheimer's and Vitamin D-3

Listen to this radio interview with John Cannell, MD and Executive Director of the Vitamin D Council, sharing information about vitamin D deficiency and the simple steps you can take to protect yourself.

"Back from the dead with Vitamin D-3"

Doctors gave my 71 year old mother a 5% chance of surviving pneumonia, so I started giving her 30,000 IU of vitamin D daily without telling them. In just two days, her fever subsided and she is doing much better. But my question is, “Is 30,000 iu’s enough?”